
FinUnions is the EU representation of SAK and STTK representing 1.4 million workers in Finland.
SAK is the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions in industry, the public sector, transport and private services in Finland.
STTK is the Finnish Confederation of Professionals in both private and public sectors.
Our mission
Our mission is to promote a Europe that is fair for its citizens. As representatives of about 1.4 million workers in Finland our aim is to make sure that their voice is heard in the EU decision-making processes.
We work in close cooperation with the ETUC, European Trade Union Confederation, the major trade union organisation representing workers at the European level. SAK and STTK are members of the ETUC.
FinUnions’ board
FinUnions is a registered association (FinUnions ry), whose work is guided by the board. Jarkko Eloranta is chair (SAK) and Antti Palola vice chair (STTK). The heads of international affairs Pekka Ristelä (SAK) and Maria Häggman (STTK) are board members. In addition, Director Susanna Salovaara and Communications Officer Marie Sandberg-Chibani are assisting the board.